Legal information

Wolf Lingerie S.A.S, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 1,731,081.25 euros located:
2 Alfred Kastler Street
67610 La Wantzenau — FRANCE

Tel: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)

RCS Strasbourg 638 502 104
SIRET 638 502 104 00042
APE 4642 Z

Hosting operated by:
Webflow, Inc. ,
398 11Th Street, Floor 2,
San Francisco, CA 94103

General review:
Wolf Lingerie, owner of this Site, makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information disseminated on it. Wolf Lingerie is authorized to modify or change the content of the site at any time, without any prior notice and cannot in any way guarantee the accuracy, veracity or completeness of the information and hypertext links disseminated, this despite all the attention that may be given to them.
It is the responsibility of the visitor to verify the information by other means, in particular by contacting Wolf Lingerie.
As a result, Wolf Lingerie cannot be held liable for:
- any interruption of site service
- any computer problem that may result from the use of the site
- the dissemination of incomplete or inaccurate information or links on the Site
- any damage suffered as a result of a fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the site

Intellectual property: unless otherwise stated, the graphic elements, including the logos included in this site, are the exclusive property of Wolf Lingerie.
The reproduction of all documents published on the site is only authorized for the exclusive purpose of information for personal and private use. Any reproduction and use of copies made for other purposes is strictly prohibited without our prior written consent.
It is also forbidden to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse design or assembly, or in any other way attempt to find the source code (except as provided by law), sell, assign, sublicense, or otherwise transfer any rights relating to the software. Likewise, it is also forbidden to modify the software or to use modified versions of the software and in particular (without this list being exhaustive) in order to obtain unauthorized access to the service and to access the site by any means other than through the interface provided to you by Wolf Lingerie for this purpose.
Any total or partial reproduction, without the express and prior agreement of Wolf Lingerie, is strictly prohibited under articles L 335-2 and following and L 335-3 of the intellectual property code and constitutes an infringement and an offence.

This site is updated on a regular basis. Wolf Lingerie makes every effort to offer Internet users access to their website. However, they cannot be held responsible for any break or inaccessibility to the various services made available to visitors on their site.
Likewise, they cannot be held responsible for errors, the unavailability of information or even the accuracy of the information.

The site may include links (hyperlinks) to other websites or other Internet sources. Wolf Lingerie cannot be held responsible for the content of these external sites under its control. Wolf Lingerie undertakes to remove links that have been indicated as fraudulent or containing illicit content.

Hypertext policy to...:
The Wolf Lingerie site authorizes the establishment of hypertext links pointing to its pages, subject to:
- Do not use the deep link technique
- To specify the nature of the hypertext
- Use the information only for personal, educational, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is prohibited.
This authorization does not apply in any case to websites disseminating information that is racist, pornographic, xenophobic, controversial or that may, in general, harm the sensitivity of the greatest number of people.

Protection of personal data
Use of cookies:
No personal information is collected without your knowledge. No personal information is transferred to third parties.

Statistical data:
In order to better understand the interests of visitors to the site and in order to improve it, we may need to measure the number of visits, page views, as well as the activity of visitors to the site and their frequency of return.
For this purpose, cookie technology can be used. You can refuse these cookies or delete them without this having any influence on your access to the pages of the site. To oppose the recording of cookies or to be notified before accepting cookies, we recommend that you read the help section of your browser which will specify the procedure to follow.

Electronic messages sent to Wolf Lingerie and email addresses are only kept for the time necessary for their processing.

Photo credits:
Wolf Lingerie
Publishing director: Jean-François MIALON, in his capacity as President
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